RICAR Project Recently Wrapped up a 3-day Social Behavior Change (SBC) Messages Co-Creation Workshop

The Rural Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resilience Building Project (RICAR) project recently wrapped up a 3-day Social Behavior Change (SBC) Messages Co-Creation Workshop, as part of the project’s targeted awareness-raising initiative.

The workshop aimed to gather valuable insights and perspectives from key stakeholders to develop effective and culturally resonant SBC messages from a recent study conducted by RICAR on the Localized Climate Change Impact Analysis (LCCIA) in the Upper and Central River Regions.

The messages generated will be used to sensitize the target populations in the project areas to the current and projected impacts of climate change on their areas and livelihoods. The messaging will focus on climate change, food security, and nutrition nexus, given the critical challenges in The Gambia on food security and nutrition, and the expected negative impacts of climate change on these national priorities.

Speaking on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, Director of Central Project Coordinating Unit, Mrs. Mariama Ndow-Jarjue said climate change poses significant challenges to our nation, particularly in the areas of food security and nutrition. The recent Localized Climate Change Impact Analysis (LCCIA) conducted by RICAR in the Upper and Central River Regions has shed light on the current and projected impacts of climate change on the livelihoods and well-being of our rural communities.

‘’It is imperative that we raise awareness and promote positive behavior changes to mitigate these impacts and build resilience.’’ She stated.

She went on ‘’I am confident that through our collective efforts, we will develop powerful and impactful SBCC messages that will inspire positive change and contribute to the overall success of the RICAR project. Your active participation, diverse perspectives, and collaborative spirit will be instrumental in shaping these messages and ensuring their effectiveness in reaching and influencing the target populations.’’

RICAR is a 5-year project funded by the UNFCCC Adaptation Fund (AF) that aims to enhance the adaptive capacity of rural populations in The Gambia through support to climate resilient and diversified livelihood