Minister John Manjang Checks State of the Environment

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources recently concluded its maiden quarterly visit to various project intervention sites under its purview. Led by the Hon. Minister Rohey John Manjang, the visit afforded the minister first-hand insight into the ongoing projects and initiatives undertaken by the Ministry to address environmental issues across the country.

Speaking to the forest committee of Sutusinjan in the West Coast Region, Hon. Minister Rohey John-Manjang underscored the need for collective responsibility in environmental management. “It is crucial that we take the lead in advocating for environmental protection and conservation. While enforcing laws is important, raising awareness about the consequences of our actions is equally vital. That is why we are on this tour,’’ the minister declared.

The Alakalo of Sutusinjan, Mamina Jammeh, expressed gratitude to the Minister and her team, recognising their dedication to environmental protection. He highlighted challenges such as constant bushfires and indiscriminate cutting that have significantly contributed to forest degradation and desertification. He requested assistance from the Ministry to address these issues.

The manager of the EbA Project, Mr. Malanding Jaiteh, advised the community to plant more fruit trees to add economic value to the forest. He believes that this approach would help alleviate pressure on forest resources.

At Sandeng and Brinkamading in Lower River Region, Minister Manjang raised alarm over rampant tree felling especially by herdsmen beyond the country’s borders, and charcoal burning. She highlighted the critical importance of protecting the country’s forest cover, especially amidst climate change impacts. Minister John-Manjang called for stringent actions to be taken against those found wanting.

Meanwhile, on day two of the tour, the Hon. Minister and the delegation paid a visit to the Governor of LRR, Mr. Seedy Lamin Bah to brief him about the ongoing visits to the ministry’s intervention sites. The discussions were centered on the indiscriminate cutting down of trees, bush fire, and overgrazing among others within the region.

Governor Bah assured the Hon. Minister his cooperation to make sure that these issues are addressed.

In the Central River Region, the Hon. Minister praised the Bushtown community for leading in forest preservation against deforestation and climate change. Governor Ousman Bah applauds locals for their commitment, highlighting its long-term benefits. Bushtown’s rich forest is hailed as a potential eco-tourism hub, with diverse wildlife. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) supports conservation efforts by building an eco-lodge center in the village.

The delegation also stopped by the Green School Tree Planting Program site in Baja Kunda in the Upper River Region, supported by the EbA Project! This initiative focuses on rural schools, providing grants to foster awareness and engage children in tree-planting activities. Encouraging eco-friendly habits from a young age, these efforts lay the foundation for a sustainable future