The Green School Tree Planting Program initiated by EbA Project

The Green School Tree Planting Program initiated by EbA Project targets schools within rural communities in CRR URR and LRR. Ten Schools in CRR South benefitted from small grants to grow trees. The schools that were piloted from the program include Sinchu Madabo Primary School, Jawo Kunda Primary School Niamina Dankunku Primary School, and others.

The tree-planting initiative will help students to understand the benefits of growing trees and environmental awareness creation. The EbA Project greening schools initiative will create awareness within schools to adapt from tree planting to tree growing and mentoring young students.

Speaking to one of the Teachers at Sinchu Madali Primary School Ms. Awa Jallow said that, Planting trees and environmental education helps students to become aware of the benefits of growing trees, they can play a big role in protecting the environment. The experience will help them to understand conservation and the use of our natural resources