Various stakeholders under the Ministry of Environment with relevant partners gather to validate the National Beekeeping Value Framework and Market Analysis Intelligence Study.
The event was organized by the Central Projects Coordination Unit with technical support from the Large Scale Eco-System Based Adaptation Project which is a project under CPCU. It was held from 7 to 8 April at a local hotel in Senegambia.
The Purpose of Validating the Beekeeping Value Chain Report indicates that the local demand for honey is high even though most local consumption is imported, regulators are interested to support the honey value chain actors to make a decent income that can support their household needs.
The Stakeholders address the issues to promote beekeeping within rural communities to raise additional income to improve their livelihoods often among rural households.
Beekeeping has been widely adopted as an income diversification strategy it is a sustainable form of agriculture beneficial to the environment.