The proposed partnership between the NEA and the Sandele Foundation is geared towards the promotion several actions that support the SPCR, notably the introduction of Aircrete as a construction material that requires little or no sand, ecotourism, and the conservation of biodiversity in general.

The Foundation, in collaboration with the NEA, has the potential to assist in mobilizing local communities to take a more proactive role in restoring their degraded landscapes and thereby contribute towards building resilience and adaptive capacities of local communities to the impacts of climate change.

NEA is the lead institution responsible for overseeing the implementation and coordination of environment, natural resources and climate change actions. As the lead implementation institution, NEA as part of its implementation and coordination role, builds and promotes partnerships with diverse stakeholders

including the parastatal organizations, Civil Society Organization including Community Based Organizations for enhanced implementation of the government’s mandates.

As noted in the NCCP, strong partnerships for implementation and monitoring of climate resilience interventions are required between local administrations, local government, membership organizations, cooperatives, service organizations, and the private sector