EbA Project recently conducted a three days capacity building training for community radios and Environmental Journalists

The Large Scale Eco-System Based Adaptation( EbA) Project recently conducted a three days capacity building training for community radios and environmental journalists in the area of climate change reporting to understand climate change policies and report issues around the Eba Project intervention areas effectively.

The training has exposed journalists to understand the scientific language of climate change, EcoSystem Based Adaptation and strategies for effective adaptation.

The three days training was held from 4 to 6 November 2021 at RDI Mansakonko attended by various media houses. the PMU team from the EbA Project in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment.

the training will expose journalists to understand jargon and terminologies of climate change will also be better prepared to effectively report issues on climate change for the audience and rural communities to get wider coverage on climate change.